
1.2 Urd

Corresponding card in Rider-Waite tarot: 2. High Priestess

1.2 Urd


The picture:

An old woman sits between two pillars. In her hand she holds some keys. There is a well before her with two white swans. They are the only perfect souls in the universe. On the background is the tree-of-worlds Yggdrasil.

On the pillar right from the woman (left on the card) there is a wheel with eight spokes. This is the solar-wheel. On the pillar left from the woman, there is a wheel with four spokes. This is the lunar-wheel.


The woman on the picture is Urðr, the norn of becoming. The solar-wheel represents her masculine dynamic side. The lunar-wheel represents her feminine receptive side. The tree-of-worlds represents the energy through her spinal column. The keys in her hands can lock and unlock the past. Urðr has the keys to the bolts of Urðr.


With Light and Love, Andreas Firewolf


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The Runic Tarot has three parts

24 Runes of the older Futhark

25 Runic cards

Four Elements: Ice, Fire, Sea and Wind

4 Times 12 worlds of Yggdrasil

And we start with Ginnunga-gap.

Four classes: Warriors, Leaders, Freemen and Bondsmen

For each class five types:
Introduction to the Runictarot
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