
It is easy to register as a member of this site. Please fill in the username of your choice and a password.

To make sure you remember the password, repeat the password in the third field.


Username must start with a letter. Length between 3 and 35 characters. Only letters, digits and underscore character.


Screen-name is the name that others will see. Can be equal to username. Allowed characters letters (upper and lower), digits, space and characters - _.


Fill in your email-address carefully. You will receive a confirmation-code on this address. You can not complete your application without this code.

New password:

Between 7 and 35 characters. Quotes and slashes are not allowed. Allowed chars A-Z a-z 0-9 ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~

Repeat password:

Repeat the password. Store it in a save place. If you loose it, we can not recover it. But we can give you a new password.


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is 2 plus three ?


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and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Native European shamanism

The world tree Yggdrasil


is a form of meditation with the objective to transform yourself. You re-create yourself during a trance. A trance is NOT a state of oblivion, you do not forget about yourself. It is just an alternate state of consciousness.

TRANCE-FORMATION is high-tech meditation.

A TRANCE-FORMATION is an audio file containing a spoken meditation or visualization with a soothing background.

The background features a differential beat, which helps your brain go to a specific level of awareness.


Developed by Nul-A Computers