

Becoming a registered member


Advantages of membership

  • Keep informed

    When there are new webpages published, you will get an email with a link to the new page(s).

  • Access to hidden information

    A lot of pages and files are hidden for search engines (like Google) and general visitors. When you register as a member you get access to some of these pages. When you like these pages and you are willing to pay a small price for them, you get access to more pages. The information I give is not free. But you only pay for what you like.

  • Comment on pages and on commends of other members

    Anyone can comment on public pages. But these comments are only published after I have given my consent.

    Comments of members are generally published without prior moderation.

    As a member you can comment on the hidden pages. These pages and the comments are only available to other members. So you can communicate with like minded people without the judgements of internet trolls.

  • Contact with other members

    The CMS of Nul-A Computers comes with in build imail. Imail stands for internal mail. It works like email, but it works only for communication with other members.

    This can only work when there are enough members that want to communicate with each other.


No strings attached

I do not keep personal data of you and I will not track you, like social media do.

If you terminate your membership, everything will be deleted. With the exception of the comments you placed under pages. But these will be signed with your screen name and not your real name. It is not possible to delete your comments after you have placed them.


Registration as member

I ask as little date as possible from you. Basically you only need to supply a valid email address. You can get a free or private email address from many companies.

Registration is very simple. Just follow these steps.

  • Go to Register

    When you right click on this (or any other) link, you get the option 'Open link in new tab'. Then you can keep this page open and fill in the registration form.

  • Fill in the following fields:

    • Username. This is the name you use to log in to our site. This name is not visible to other people.

    • Screen name. This is the name that others will see. It appears under your comments and when you use imail, it will be the name on your imails.

      I recommend that you do not use your username as screen name. It is better to use different names.

      Your screen name can be a fantasy name or an initiation name. It can contain spaces. For example: Hnoss Freyasdottir

    • Your email address. You have to be vary careful to supply the correct email address. A conformation email will be send to this address. If there is an error in the address, you can not confirm your registration.

    • Your password. You log in with the combination username and password. I can not retrieve your password when you forget it. So store it in a safe place. In case you loose it, I can give you a new password.

    • To prevent spam from spambots you have to answer an anti-spam question.


Promote us !!!

Do you like this page? Promote it !!!

I do not participate with twitter and most other 'social' media. But feel free to tweet about this page. Or put a link to this page on your facebook page, if you have one.

You can find more about social media on the page Social media.


Comment form

This form is ONLY to comment on this page. What you write can be published.

If you want to send a message to Andreas Firewolf click on Contact-form

To give feedback about this page or about this site click on:



If you want to comment on this page, fill in the following fields:


Screen-name is the name that others will see. This name can be published.


If you want a personal answer, fill in your email-address. This address will not be published or sold to databases.

Comment or question:

Number of characters that remains: 5000


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is eight divided by 2 ?


1   2   3   4   5  

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Who and what is Firewolf


Firewolf about spiritual subjects

Firewolf about science and spirituality

Information about consultations and healings

Andreas Firewolf is a shamanic healer. But he does NOT heal your physical body. For physical diseases you should consult a medical professional.


How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

How to improve readability of this site


You can set contrast and size of the letters. Here you can read how.

The layout changes with the width of your screen. On a big screen you will see a better layout.

Using search

Search engines (like Google) have no access to pages for registered members.

To search all the pages of this website that you can access you should use our own search. Here you find more information.

Information about

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

Developed by Nul-A Computers