


Contact form

Use this form for asking questions, submit errors and complaints, etcetera



If you want a personal answer, fill in your email-address. This address will not be published or sold to databases.

Question, error-report or complaint

Number of characters that remains: 5000


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is 16 minus eight ?


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You can find more about social media on the page Social media.


Comment form

This form is ONLY to comment on this page. What you write can be published.

If you want to send a message to Andreas Firewolf click on Contact-form

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If you want to comment on this page, fill in the following fields:


Screen-name is the name that others will see. This name can be published.


If you want a personal answer, fill in your email-address. This address will not be published or sold to databases.

Comment or question:

Number of characters that remains: 5000


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is 10 plus eleven ?


1   2   3   4   5  

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Who and what is Firewolf


Firewolf about spiritual subjects

Firewolf about science and spirituality

Information about consultations and healings

Andreas Firewolf is a shamanic healer. But he does NOT heal your physical body. For physical diseases you should consult a medical professional.

Who and what is Firewolf?

What is a fundamentalist?

Is it not someone who returns to his foundation?

I did more than that. With LSD, elaborate initiation rituals and TRANCE-FORMATION I went down under my foundation and all the way down to the deepest parts of the Collective Unconscious.

A poem of Andreas Firewolf
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