
Apprentice program

A solid multi-year training in shamanism, yoga and spirituality

There is little to say about the apprentice program. If you need a lot of words, this program is not for you. If you feel that you are ready for this, you can contact us using the form below.

The costs are 135 euros including VAT per personal session from 3 to 5 hours. If you can't afford that, indicate what you can afford.


Is this something for you?

Imagine you are building a big fire in a clearing. Imagine that everyone you know is there. Undress completely and throw all your clothes into the fire. Even all your jewelry. Throw all your belongings into the fire. Then step into the fire yourself and burn your old life, your old identity, your old self-image. On the other side, step out of the fire and create a body of light and love.

If this gets you excited, you're qualified. Does this scare you? Then don't waste my time, 'cause you're not fit.


The following is expected of apprentices:

  • You do not smoke, do not drink alcohol and do not use recreational drugs. Drugs to gain self-knowledge are not a problem, if you handle them carefully. You can think of mushrooms, ecstasy, acid and the like.

  • You are vegetarian. Ie: You do not eat food from killed animals. Eggs and milk products are allowed.

  • You devote yourself completely to the spiritual life. For example, you become a shaman, a yogi or an initiate in the Circle of Light and Love.

  • Most days of the week, you'll spend at least an hour doing TRANCE FORMATIONS and breathing exercises.

  • Participants can receive a discount on tuition.

    If you meet the conditions, the price for individual sessions and workshops can drop significantly.

    These conditions, among others, apply to this:

    • You have little money and you earn little. If you have a large equity or if you earn a lot, you can also just pay the tuition.

    • You do volunteer work for Andreas Firewolf or for the Circle of Light and Love.

  • If you want, I can teach you how to make money making websites.

    • It is (in the Netherlands) very difficult to earn enough money from spiritual work. Spiritual people are simply not allowed an income.

    • It is often very difficult for spiritual people to function in a regular job.

    • If you have your own business in addition to your spiritual work, which you use to create websites, you can more easily earn a reasonable income.

With Light and Love, Andreas Firewolf


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Who and what is Firewolf


Firewolf about spiritual subjects

Firewolf about science and spirituality

Information about consultations and healings

Andreas Firewolf is a shamanic healer. But he does NOT heal your physical body. For physical diseases you should consult a medical professional.


General information about consultations

Video-documentary: Aura-cleansing by Andreas Firewolf

For whom is personal guidance intended for?

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