


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Above I used the word website and websites. This is not an error. The word website refers to the domain andreasfirewolf.com. On this domain there are different sites. Each site has its own layout and menu system. These sites are:

  • Home, the default website.

    When you click on

    you go the default site. Here you find blogs of me, personal information and social and political views.

  • Yggdrasil

    When you click on

    you go to a site devoted to Yggdrasil, the old Germanic world tree. Here you find some general information about Yggdrasil and shamanism. Members find more information here. It is my intention to publish 48 lessons. They are available in Dutch, but not yet in English.

  • Runes

    When you click on

    You go to a site devoted to the Runic Tarot. Here you find information about Runes and the Runic tarot. Members can get access to special lessons to learn to use the Runic Tarot.


Four navigation levels

There are four menu levels to help you navigate:

  1. Site navigation:

    With this menu you can choose the site (default, yggdrasil, runes), you can go to the login page and to the contact-form. This menu is shown vertical or on a small screen horizontal. See below.

  2. Main navigation:

    With this menu you can choose the main topics of the site you are in (default, yggdrasil, runes). This menu is shown as a horizontal line with options.

  3. Second level navigation:

    This level of navigation is only shown when there are a lot of choices. Usually it is not available. When it is available, it is shown as a horizontal line just below the Main navigation.

  4. Third level navigation:

    The menu options in this level link to a single webpage. This menu is shown vertical or horizontal depending on your screen width. See below.

What is your screen width?

How the navigation looks like depends on the width of your screen (or window to be more precise).

  • When your screen width is less than 640 pixels, you will find the site navigation as a horizontal line with options below the search field.

  • When your screen width is 640 pixels or more, you will find the site navigation as a group of options vertical at the top and left of the webpage.

  • When your screen width is less than 800 pixels, you will find the third level navigation as a horizontal line with options under the main navigation and the second level navigation.

  • When your screen width is 800 pixels or more, you will find the third level navigation as options vertical left of the webpage.


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I do not participate with twitter and most other 'social' media. But feel free to tweet about this page. Or put a link to this page on your facebook page, if you have one.

You can find more about social media on the page Social media.


Comment form

This form is ONLY to comment on this page. What you write can be published.

If you want to send a message to Andreas Firewolf click on Contact-form

To give feedback about this page or about this site click on:



If you want to comment on this page, fill in the following fields:


Screen-name is the name that others will see. This name can be published.


If you want a personal answer, fill in your email-address. This address will not be published or sold to databases.

Comment or question:

Number of characters that remains: 5000


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is 6 multiplied by seven ?


1   2   3   4   5  

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Native European shamanism

The world tree Yggdrasil

How to improve readability of this site


You can set contrast and size of the letters. Here you can read how.

The layout changes with the width of your screen. On a big screen you will see a better layout.

Using search

Search engines (like Google) have no access to pages for registered members.

To search all the pages of this website that you can access you should use our own search. Here you find more information.

Information about

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

Becoming a registered member

Advantages of membership.

How to register.

Conditions of use.

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