


Search engines (like Google) have no access to pages for registered members.

To search all the pages of this website that you can access you should use the search of this website. Here you find more information.

The CMS of Nul-A Computers has its own search engine. When you want to search the member pages you should use this search.


On top of each webpage you find a form with a search button. In the field left of the search button you can type a search string. When you click on the button 'Search' you get the results.


How to use the search string:

Nul-A Computers search works not like Google search. When you put in Google search: "This is a search", you get the pages with exactly the string between the quotes. When you do that in Nul-A Computers search, you get only the pages with that string AND the quotes.

Rules for Nul-A Computers search:

  • If you want to search for pages that have two or more strings on that page, then separate the strings with |+|.


    The string Odinn will yield all pages with Odinn on the page text. The spaces before and after are ignored.

    If you want all pages with Odinn and Freya on the page text, you should use the search string Odinn|+|Freya.

    If you want all pages with Odinn and Vilir and Ve, you should use the search string Odinn|+|Vilir|+|Ve.

  • The search string is case-insensitive. There is no difference between capital letters or small letters in the search result.

    When I tried it, a search with the word óðinn yielded also the pages with the word Óðinn. It is not certain that this will always be so.

  • All characters in the search string are used for the search, with the exception of spaces at the beginning and at the end and with the exception of the string |+|

    When your search string is "Odinn", you do not get pages with Odinn. Only pages with "Odinn" will be found.

  • The use of spaces in a search string gives unreliable results.

    Suppose on a webpage you see the string This is a string. When you put this in a search string, it is uncertain if this webpage is found. Perhaps in the database the string looks like This    is[NEWLINE]    a string. (where [NEWLINE] stands for a newline character).

    The search works good with single words, but not very good with lines with spaces.


The use of OR:

After clicking the Search button you come to a new page. At the top of this page you find a more elaborate search form. Under it you find the results of the search, when there are results.

The search query shows three lines. Each of these lines work exactly like the search string described above.

The lines without text are ignored. The lines with text are combined in a new search but interpreted as a logical OR.


  • Line 1 has the string Yggdrasil|+|Odinn and line 2 has the string Yggdrasil|+|Freya

    The search yields all pages with the words Yggdrasil and Odinn and the pages with the words Yggdrasil and Freya.

  • Line 1 has the string Odin and line 2 has the string Óðin

    The search yields all pages with the word Odin and the pages with the word Óðin.

    Pages with the words Óðinn or Odinn will also be found. Also pages with odin and odinn will be found, since the search is case-insensitive.



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If you want a personal answer, fill in your email-address. This address will not be published or sold to databases.

Comment or question:

Number of characters that remains: 5000


If you are a human, answer this question.

What is three times 5 ?


1   2   3   4   5  

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Native European shamanism

The world tree Yggdrasil

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

How to improve readability of this site


You can set contrast and size of the letters. Here you can read how.

The layout changes with the width of your screen. On a big screen you will see a better layout.

Information about

I do not like social media

and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

Becoming a registered member

Advantages of membership.

How to register.

Conditions of use.

Developed by Nul-A Computers